Soo my whole childhood, well the age of 9+ iv actually been fully blown addicted too a video game that involves gaining levels, experience, and completing quests, I became sooo addicted that I HAD EMOTIONAL feelings for my characters aka "toons". These characters are like my babys as insane as that sounds.. They're simply apart of me! I'v logged more hours on diablo2, than that one highschool girl on facebook. Honestly, I would be a completely different person if i never play, I learned alot about the real world talking to random kids online, and have dealt with alot of "scammers" people who steal virtual items, from people aka THEIFS.
I once made a friend, and he was my boy! I still remember his name too this day "Carlos"! Well Carlos had this great idea too screw me over, and rob my account dry. I honestly trusted him. It was sad. I lost apart of me! That I worked sooooooooo hard for. But it never stopped me from playing again. Everytime i'v got hacked, or lost items. I got back on my horsey with RAGE, and always returned with more fire in my eyes and the urge to be the best Diablo2 player ALIVE!
This is a picture of a Characters level, along with his stat tree open, and he's laying his cursor on his horrible wepon. What a nooob! ahaha.
But, I was there at one point too!
But, I was there at one point too!
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